
Like many professions, some legal recruiters are highly ethical and professional, and some are not.   At H3 Counsel, we uphold the highest standards of professionalism. 

Working with H3 Counsel offers a unique recruiting experience.  Only with H3 Counsel will you work with a former BigLaw hiring partner.  JP offers every candidate working with H3 Counsel interview preparation and intermediary services through the hiring process.  This experience is available nowhere else.

We do not wish to sell you anything or to try to push you into any position.  Our job, which we take serioiusly, is to advise and assist you in making and executing decisions about the next chapter in your career.  In the same way you advise your clients, our role is to find out what is best for our clients and candidates.  We do that best when we participate in, and are aware of, all aspects of your search, or at least as much as possible under the circumstances as they exist when you decide to work with us.

Througout the process we wish to assist our candidates to maintain the highest standards of professionalism, both in their dealings with prospective employers and with us.  This statement is designed to avoid miscommunications and to create a clear understanding of our expectations of each other.

Hence, should you choose to work with us, this statement outlines our agreements with each other as follows:

H3 Counsel agrees to:

1.   Promptly notify Candidate of any developments with any submission made by H3 Counsel;

2.  Not make inquiries or submissions to law firms or any employer without your express authority or consent;

3.  Not disseminate your resume or other materials to any person or entity outside of H3 Counsel without your express authority or consent;

4.  Maintain as strictly confidential all conversations and communications;

5.  Maintain as strictly confidential the fact that you are working with H3 Counsel or otherwise engaging in or considering an employment search;

6.   Provide interview preparation and intermediary services throughout the hiring process in order to best negotiate the terms of your new position;

7.  Adhere the NALSC Code of Ethics® (https://www.nalsc.org/code-of-ethics);

8.  Last, but not least, endeavor to advise and counsel you regarding your career and search without regard to the economic interests of H3 Counsel.

Candidate agrees to:

1.   Work with, and submit through, H3 Counsel, all opportunities H3 Counsel first identifies for Candidate, including all opportunities discussed with H3 Counsel where Candidate has not previously agreed to work with other recruiters;

2   Where Candidate has agreed previously to work exclusively with H3 Counsel, maintain that agreement;

3.   Where working with H3 Counsel regarding an opportunity, Candidate will not provide Candidate’s materials (resume, cover letter, writing samples, references) to any person other than H3 Counsel for submission to a law firm or other employers (this includes friends, classmates, or other acquaintances at a prospective law firm or other employer);

4.   If relevant, contact friends, former colleagues and other contacts at law firms in concert with H3 Counsel’s advice after the formal submission has been made and confirmed;

5.   Keep H3 Counsel informed of all information and developments relevant to Candidate’s work with and search through H3 Counsel;

6.   Where necessary and where requested, inform the law firm or other prospective employer that Candidate is working with H3 Counsel regarding Candidate’s search or submission to a particular firm.

Customary Steps in the Process

1.  Candidate supplies to H3 Counsel Candidate’s Resume, Cover Letter (where requested), Law School Transcript (unofficial is fine), and a writing sample (some firms require two).  The writing sample should be that which best demonstrates your ability as legal writer that is least edited by others.  Briefs (or excerpts thereof) are fine, as are journal articles.  Whatever makes you shine most.

2.  H3 Counsel will then review your materials and make suggestions where appropriate.

3.  Once the materials are in final form, H3 Counsel will submit your materials to our contacts with the firm and follow up via various means.

4.  H3 Counsel will immediately, within 24 hours or less (most often within minutes), notify you of any communication received related to your candidacy.

5.  H3 Counsel will facilitate the scheduling of any screening and callback interviews.

6.  Upon receipt of an offer, H3 Counsel will consult and counsel Candidate regarding appropriate points of negotiation, if any, and serve as the intermediary to accomplish Candidate’s objectives.

If any of the above causes you any concern whatsoever, please contact JP via email (jp@h3strategy.com) immediately.  We look forward to working with you and obtaining successful results on your behalf.